Monday, June 30, 2014

300+ Educational Twitter Hashtags

Are you looking to figure out exactly which Twitter hashtag is the right one to follow? There's no shortage of options and it can feel overwhelming. Sure, there's the popular #edchat and #edtech hashtags most of us follow.

Jazzie B: London Legend – The Voice Online

The Voice Online Jazzie B: London Legend The Voice Online TO PUT it it simply, Jazzie B is the pioneer of the warehouse rave scene who founded the British group Soul II Soul and has been the voice of funk and soul in the UK for the past three...

300+ Educational Twitter Hashtags

Are you looking to figure out exactly which Twitter hashtag is the right one to follow? There's no shortage of options and it can feel overwhelming. Sure, there's the popular #edchat and #edtech hashtags most of us follow.

Roundabout Theatre Blog British Music Hall

However, many of the halls retained a stature of ill repute, with rowdy crowds and enterprising prostitutes continuing to be a fixture of the music hall scene. By the end of the 19th century, the music part of the music hall finally ...

Jazzie B: London Legend – The Voice Online

The Voice Online Jazzie B: London Legend The Voice Online TO PUT it it simply, Jazzie B is the pioneer of the warehouse rave scene who founded the British group Soul II Soul and has been the voice of funk and soul in the UK for the past three...

Only the Lonely: Britain’s Silver Line of Public Health

Britain is a lonely capital of Europe. A survey suggests loneliness can have 'serious health impacts far beyond just feeling miserable and desiring '. Voice of Russia UK June 30th 2014.

Only the Lonely: Britain’s Silver Line of Public Health

Britain is a lonely capital of Europe. A survey suggests loneliness can have 'serious health impacts far beyond just feeling miserable and desiring '. Voice of Russia UK June 30th 2014.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Powerhouse of creativity Department for Culture Media and Sport UK Voice of Russia

Employment in the UK Creative Industries sector has increased five times faster than the national average, according to latest figures published by the Department for Culture Media and Sport. It contr

Powerhouse of creativity Department for Culture Media and Sport UK Voice of Russia

Employment in the UK Creative Industries sector has increased five times faster than the national average, according to latest figures published by the Department for Culture Media and Sport. It contr

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Why phone manufacturers love making Android phones?

Having android free, has allowed the manufactures to make a whole range of devices with no licensing costs, where as for Windows Phone, they have paid for the one device. Microsoft gets this finally and 8.1 has less limitations in that regard, but this just means there is a lesser risk in producing phones for […]

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Why Windows Phone has a long way to go?

Just to be fair here, 8.1 isn’t officially out and won’t be for a while. We’ve had it for months but the average Joe is still using 8.0. Also, to be fair, Microsoft has been incredibly slow to adopt any and all changes since 8.0 launched. Instead of fixing bugs as they’re found, they put […]

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Why not all windows phone games have achievements?

MS view Achievements as valuable and protect the integrity of their “worth” very closely. i.e. they have a certain difficulty or time input to get. In other words, developers can’t just add Achievements to any game because it wouldn’t be long before someone made a game that handed out 250 points for pressing the start […]

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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Telling It Like It Is: US foreign policy Butter or Margarine?

The situation in Iraq, the visit of the Chinese premier to the UK and what are we to make of mixed messages on saturated fats? Brendan Cole discusses these topics and more with James Delingpole of and Alexander Nekrassov, the former Kremlin adviser.

Telling It Like It Is: US foreign policy Butter or Margarine?

The situation in Iraq, the visit of the Chinese premier to the UK and what are we to make of mixed messages on saturated fats? Brendan Cole discusses these topics and more with James Delingpole of and Alexander Nekrassov, the former Kremlin adviser.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Children as young as 12 live in fear of forced marriage in Britain

New legislation comes into force today which makes forced marriages punishable by a prison term - with seven years the maximum sentence. Charities are warning that they fear the practice is on the

Children as young as 12 live in fear of forced marriage in Britain

New legislation comes into force today which makes forced marriages punishable by a prison term - with seven years the maximum sentence. Charities are warning that they fear the practice is on the

Iraq crisis: Will the West reach out to Russia, Iran, Syria for solution?

Britain has held talks with Iran over how the Middle East region should offer support to Iraq following the seizure of several towns in northern Iraq by Sunni Islamist insurgents, Prime Minister David

Iraq crisis: Will the West reach out to Russia, Iran, Syria for solution?

Britain has held talks with Iran over how the Middle East region should offer support to Iraq following the seizure of several towns in northern Iraq by Sunni Islamist insurgents, Prime Minister David

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Are Microsoft Apologists killing windows phone?

I’m at the point where I wonder if its worth saving? It’s an unknown and underfeatured OS running outdated third party apps and even most first party apps are many features behind. Hubs are gutted, quick additions throughout the OS gone, forcing users to constantly jump into subpar mainstream apps. If you bought this phone […]

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Monday, June 9, 2014

Windows Phone is unimportant to Microsoft and Business houses

How many business folks use iPhone vs WP? A lot. Skype has been integrated with the Microsoft Lync service, which is part of the Office365 business solution, which maybe explains the polish and attention given to Skype iOS vs WP. The next step for MS is to load the WP OS with business related functions, […]

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Saturday, June 7, 2014

“Мнение”: торжества в Нормандии

See on – News From Stirring Trouble Internationally Jim Bob‘s insight: Alexander Nekrassov speaks to the panel in Russia over on Vesti News. This interview is in Russian. See on www.vesti.ruFiled under: Facebook

“Мнение”: торжества в Нормандии

See on – News From Stirring Trouble Internationally Jim Bob‘s insight: Alexander Nekrassov speaks to the panel in Russia over on Vesti News. This interview is in Russian. See on www.vesti.ruFiled under: Facebook

Friday, June 6, 2014

Nokia Lumia 1520 review, after the buzz

I’ve had my 1520 32gb since February, I put 8.1 on as soon as it was available and I love it. My colleagues have turned into 1520 groupies and fondle it whenever they see it on my desk. Seriously I haven’t had any of the problems I’ve seen others have with this phone. No lock […]

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Telling It Like It Is: From political earthquakes to classic US literature

See on – News From Stirring Trouble Internationally VoR’s Brendan Cole is joined by James Delingpole of and Alexander Nekrassov of for half an hour of incisive mulling over the week’s headlines. Jim Bob‘s insight: Implosion of the LibDems,Ukrainian elections,US troops to remain in Afghanistan, Gove ‘banning’ classic US literature in UK […]

Telling It Like It Is: From political earthquakes to classic US literature

See on – News From Stirring Trouble Internationally VoR’s Brendan Cole is joined by James Delingpole of and Alexander Nekrassov of for half an hour of incisive mulling over the week’s headlines. Jim Bob‘s insight: Implosion of the LibDems,Ukrainian elections,US troops to remain in Afghanistan, Gove ‘banning’ classic US literature in UK […]

Best sites to promote windows phone applications?

If your app is good and has some cool features sites like WPCentral, “WMPoweruser” , WinSource, Windows Phone daily can cover it. You can get your downloads to increase. I had mine peak to around 4000 in 2 days when it was featured on WPCentral. Also if your app is featured in the store even […]

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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Switching drom Android to Windows Phone is easy

Ever since I had my HTC hero I’ve been an avid android user and was as pleased as punch to be on the cutting edge with my Nexus One. Fast forward though the galaxy S2, iphone 3gs and HTC sensation and land at last week where I had an iPhone 4s and a galaxy S3. […]

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Should you buy a low end windows phone?

Is it worth buying a low end windows phone like Lumia 630 with 512MB RAM? The answer is yes. The 630 does Miracast and has SensorCore which the other low-end Lumias do not have. But the 630 is only 512MB and lacks a dedicated camera button. Check out specifications on the Nokia site. A dead […]

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Apple iOS8 is cool not revolutionary

I’m not a fan of Apple – I’ve never owned one of their products, and never will. Sure, iOS8 looks kinda cool, but it’s nowhere near as “revolutionary” as Apple wants you to think. Nothing is as “revolutionary” as Apple wants you to think, in fact. They make overpriced products for people with more money […]

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