Saturday, April 9, 2016

Why you should buy AMD laptop instead of cheap Intel laptop

There are many reasons why you should buy a cheap AMD laptop instead of a cheap Intel laptop in 2016. The main reason is that all AMD laptops come with discrete graphics that allow them to give better user experience than the Intel laptops with windows 10 with integrated graphics.

When finding a laptop with AMD processor, you should go for the ones that have at least A6 or A8 processors. And if you can bag a cheap AMD laptop with A10, then you basically have a cheap workstation laptop in your hands. So what else to look out for when finding a nice cheap AMD laptop in 2016. 

Number 1) Big display or small display – this is the one important decision as it tells you whether you want a mobile netbook mini laptop or a mainstream laptop. Basically if you travel a lot, then going for a laptop with 12 inch or smaller display makes sense but in case you do not, then getting a mainstream laptop with 13.3 inch or even 15.6 inch display makes better sense.

Number 2) Solid state drive or hard disk drive: When getting a laptop with SSD drive, go for at least 64GB. If all of your work is on the cloud, then even 32GB will suffice but that is bare minimum I would say. In such cheap laptops with ssd it is important to see presence of a micro SD card slot as then go would be easily be able to expand the storage capacity.

Number 3) Battery life: Choose a laptop with minimum of official battery life runtimes of 5 hours because I such conditions, you will be able to squeeze out somewhere like 4 hours of actual real world use from your cheap best AMD Ultrabook laptop as real world usage is different from the unreal battery life runtimes.

Number 4) Processor: As we have said above, go for the cheap AMD laptop with at least AMD A6, A8 or A10 on board as this will make sure you are never out of power when doing heavy graphics work like photoediting on a laptop. Fortunately when getting these laptops, one do not have to worry about GPU as these laptops come with decent graphics card.